Hi there C Area,
Sorry for the late greeting, but my boys shared their flu bug with me the week after Christmas and I’m finally returning back to civilization.
A Big ‘Ol CONGRATS to Christopher Costanzo for finishing up training on his D sides! Well done to everyone involved in his success!
Some more updates for you…
There has been a suggestion to update some of the airport markings on our low map, decreasing the clutter and ensuring the airports are marked with the correct identifier (like a square vs a little circle with a line in it, etc). They would still be identified on the emergency airport option, but the main map would have a little bit less on it. The initial suggestion would remove the airport marker on the main map for the following airports:
R49, 63S, S83, WN92, 6WA4, 1S5, S70, S40, 1S7, S73, S95
Change the airport identifying symbol from a square to the upside down L (indicating there is no published approach to this aiport)
S52, S97, S10, 3W7, S72, M50
Add a square:
2S8, PSC, EAT, COE (currently represented by a circle for the VOR at PSC, EAT & COE)
Add MYL to the emergency map
Please let me know your thoughts on this and I will move forward with talking to airspace about the next step.
Article 5 - There is an opportunity for an Article 5 class (2 R Sides) from 4/7-5/30, give or take a couple of weeks on the back end. There is discussion of having the class run M-F to get them through a little quicker, so as soon as I have for sure dates, I will send them out. There will be another Article 5 class opportunity after that one beginning possibly early/mid May, 1 R side and a *possible* CPC-IT D-side. I will keep you posted. Please let me or your sup know if you’re interested in the 4/7 Article 5 detail by January 19th.
Cross Coupling - I received some paperwork from Jackie last week and will spend time looking over it with Eric in regards to setting up Cross Coupling on lows. There has been a lot of back and forth with it lately and once I have a good handle on what the capabilities and options are, I will let you know.
Interim Altitude - The B and D Area are creating a trial period regarding Interim Altitudes between lows and highs. They have asked if we would like to participate in this with the B Area, making it like we work with the A Area. Whatever the final altitude in the data block is, that is what they will be climbing to when coordination is completed. We are kind of already doing this with 16/47/09, but this would make it official. Let me or Eric know what your thoughts are on this and if you have any further questions.
AWS Requests - I finally was able to talk with Stan and we have finalized the AWS requests. I will reach out to you if I haven’t already with the results, thank you for your patience with this. You’ll see those changes on the next pay period that is published.
Overtime - Our new overtime calendar has officially started, complete with the new tracking and status changes. Remember - you cannot be solicited for overtime on your protected weekends, and if you are please let me know. There is no tracking reference or hour adjustment that needs to be made to go between available & limited, it’s more of an on/off selection, but do remember that when you make the request, it will not be effective until the next pay period to be published.
Management - This is a friendly reminder about talking with management. I know Amy sent out an email addressing this, but I wanted to reiterate if management wants to talk to you and you feel that it may lead to discipline, absolutely request a rep. Even if you’re not sure - request a rep. We are here for you to ensure that these processes are done properly and we would rather you ask for one and not need one than vise versa.
Feedback - There is a lot going on in our union and work lives, and it is important that you feel heard and represented. Our local meetings are the best place to have open dialogue with your E-board, but we realize that schedules can’t always line up. At the end of my emails, I will include a link to the form that Amy sent out for you to fill out at any time so we can be better about being available for you. Please utilize this as often as you’d like so we can address things as they come up.
I am available if you have any questions or concerns, thank you for all you do. You are appreciated.
For the C,