Awesome job, C Area! There were 32 responses to that survey (though there are not 32 answers to every question…) - thank you for taking the time to complete it!
Here are the results of it….
*I would like straight swings
Yes - 3
No - 15
If it alternated with straight days - 2
If it alternated with straight mids - 2
I would rather 4 swings and 1 day - 9
* I would be willing to work a double mid
Yes - 13
No - 18
*I would like to work as close to a rattler schedule as possible
Yes with mids - 6
Yes with no mids - 11
No - 13
*I would be willing to work 10 hour mids
Yes - 21
No - 10
*I would like straight mids
Yes - 3
No - 23
If it alternated with straight days - 3
If it alternated with straight swings - 2
*I would like straight days
Yes - 16
No - 13
If it alternated with straight mids - 2
If it alternated with straight swings - 0
I think we got an overall good consensus of what the area prefers, so thanks again.
There is a copy of the 4/10 split RDO with mids in the area for you to look at. The other option that has been asked about is the 9-9-8-6-8 and I have made a very rudimentary version of this schedule if you would like to see it.
Pros of the 4/10 line:
Only 7 people working mids
Better coverage later in the evening
More consistent schedules = better rest opportunities (for the 8 hour and 10 hour shifts)
(Mids) same work week length as working a rattler with a mid
10 hours of Sunday/Holiday pay
Prepares us for when (or if they decide to keep the 6 hour or change our rest parameters in the future) the 6 hour shift is no longer available
Swing/Mid lines back up the mid lines, reducing shift balancing to the mids
Cons of the 4/10 line:
Need to use 10 hours of leave to take a day off instead of 8
10 hour mids
If a 4/10 line takes leave, the others will cover those mids, creating a potential for straight mids for that week
Leaves the schedule short by 1 body during our highest guides (until R side certification)
Pros of the 9-9-8-6-8
Closest option to what we currently are working
Potential to earn 9 hours of Sunday/Holiday pay
Only work a 6 hour shift before a mid
Cons of the 9-9-8-6-8
Earn 6 hours (instead of 8) of Sunday/Holiday pay
Need 14 people to cover for the mid
Coverage for a mid adjusts 3-4 shifts instead of 1
A lot of manual monitoring to ensure 40 hours are met during the 7 day administrative work week; potential for paycheck errors
Creates a lot of ancillary shifts to ensure coverage when the day shift leaves at 11am, and additional shifts that are 9, 8, 7 & 6 hours in length
Potential to use more leave than planned if shifts are changed to cover for a mid
I’ve attached a proposed 4/10 line schedule. This is not set in stone and guides and shifts have not been agreed upon yet. If you have any further concerns or think of any pros and cons to any of these proposals, please let me know.
Thank you again for your input and your time! I will let you know when talks begin with management and what we are looking at.
Have a great week!