Dear C Area,
A big first and foremost - Congrats and High 5’s to Zeke & Jeydi for certifying on their respective D sides and finishing their first stage of D-Side training! Congrats to all who aided in their success - well done everyone!
I’m gonna see if I can remember everything I wanted to share with you, so bear with me here..
Shanna is back and about ready to come train on the floor. Very excited to see you again, lady!
We had a meeting with the A Area a couple weeks ago to discuss a few things.
The new ILS into EAT
Altitudes with metering
Discussed some alternatives for sequencing SF50s and other very slow jets
You can expect to get briefed on the trial period for altitudes during metering. We are still working out the details on the rest of it. Though - my hope is to have a procedure figured out for the EAT ILS before it goes into effect in July.
We are also waiting to finalize our LOA with ZLC. It has been quite the process and I appreciate your patience with it.
Article 5 - We are still in need of someone to help out with the R side class starting in June for Thursday and Friday every week. The other 3 days have been covered already, so please let me or a sup know if you’re interested in that. The dates are posted in the area. Thanks!
Crumbley vacation - I will be out of the country 4/8-4/12. Devin Carlisto will be available in my absence. Additionally, he has agreed to be the Alternate Rep for the C Area, something I really appreciate!
LWS - I’m seriously about to field trip over there. They have a new crop (again…!) of controllers and there are a lot of growing pains. I have been in touch with management and airspace about all the shenanigans going on, and there are a lot of people working to resolve it. Them. It all. Please keep me posted if weird things are happening and I’ll continue to be persistent (or annoy, whatever word choice you like) those who can help us out. Referencing aircraft who are out runway heading, the tower is not issuing this. It sounds like it’s an airline issue, so we will go from here on that one. Hopefully, now that LWS knows about it, they can help on their end.
Schedule - I heard a lot of feedback that we didn’t need the 1600 every day. So, we amended the schedule to help controllers with fatigue mitigation by bringing those shifts up by a half hour. As it turns out, the changes have left the late swing shift a bit short between 2200-2230 when and if a 3rd position needs to be staffed. I have run this up the chain and as it stands now, if management wants to hold people over or assign another body to a 1530 without shorting the 1430, that is what will happen. Opening up MOUs for Mid-Term negotiations is undesirable and can be risky, but I will for sure keep this in mind when we negotiate guides for next year. If you think of another resolution you’d like to see, please let me know.
Meter times - Now that we’re seeing the RADDY and JAKSN times, we are using the meter fix time. There is no longer an outer fix for us, this is mainly for the D & B areas.
Frequency issues on the mid - It has come to my attention that frequencies have not been correct from ZLC during the configuration on the mid. Know that Mike Sellman has been made aware of this and will follow up with ZLCs FTR when he gets back to the facility. Please reach out to me or MD if you’re still seeing an issue.
I feel like there might be more that I’m missing, but thank you all for your dedication and make sure to get out there and enjoy that sunshine this weekend! Happy St Patricks Day!! Lucky Charms is on sale at Costco :D