Happy Monday C Area

There has been some discussion about CHINS arrivals coming from 16 that aren’t direct PDT, but it would seem that the flight either filed that way or was issued a short cut somewhere before they got to ZSE. If you’re seeing this, please jot down the call sign, date & time, or leave a strip in my headset box with the date on it so we can research this and get it resolved.

Still looking for volunteers for the 2 Article 5 details - the dates for these are in previous emails. Let me know if you need more info on this.

We’re still waiting to get the LOA back from ZLC with our proposed changes. I will keep you posted when we hear from them.

I’ve also been asked to address the LOA between us & GEG about IR325 (the one that cuts the west side of GEG and then turns west into MWH). I need to reach out to their FacRep and I will pass along the request to maybe just tell them we will watch the aircraft on the IR route and they can hand them off to MWH since that seems to be what’s happening.

Have a great week, as always, please reach out if you need anything or have questions. I will do my best to get you answered ASAP.


