Hi C Area,
Open season begins 11/11 and goes until 12/9.
FSAFEDS - If you would like to sign up for this, it’s a great opportunity to have some money available for medical expenses. Check out the website if you would like information on this option.
BENEFEDS - This is the website to visit to review available health plans and sign up or change them.
One thing to review - some health plans offer incentives or reduced prices for things like gym memberships. An example - BCBS offers a Wellness Program, where you complete their “challenges” and they send you a debit card (that they will reload in the future) with money you can spend on medical expenses.
I will let you know when we begin bidding, hoping by the end of the week.
Question - We will begin RDO selection as soon as we can, leave can be started right away or after we get RDO’s going. Any thoughts on this…? Please let me know if you’d like to do them concurrently, start bidding leave once RDOs are progressing, or if you’d like to wait until RDO selection is completed.
Overtime - We are still waiting on the overtime MOU to be completed locally. In short, you will select, in order of seniority, what rotation you would like for the 3rd week to be protected from being eligible to work overtime. I wish we would be able to start this selection process once you pick out RDOs, but until the MOU is finished, we can’t. There are examples in the area of what that would look like. I’ll keep you posted when we know more.
Thank you for all you do! I appreciate you