Heya C Area -
I have an updated schedule for the 3 R side students. It will still be Monday-Friday, but the dates are now from 6/23-8/17.
Additionally, we are looking for an Artice 5 for 2 D side students, this will have the option of Sun-Th or M-F schedule, as they are not going to run labs on Fridays. The dates for this are 8/18-10/12.
Please let me or a sup know if you are interested in either of these details.
Spokane went ATC-0 Saturday evening for a short time due to a fire alarm. It came to our attention we do not have contact info for SFF under glass at lows, so I am looking into getting the shout line info added to our list of tower contacts, and adding their tower frequency to that respective list. I will let you know what comes of it.
Sick leave - if you are calling in sick, please keep it short and simple. “Please show me on sick leave”. No details as to why you don’t feel well or who it is you’re caring for if that’s the case. But - reasons like: my kid is sick. I have an appointment. I’m taking a family member to an appointment. I don’t feel well. If there is any pressure for info past this, please let me know. When we put our reasons in web scheduler, the sups don’t see it - it’s for tracking purposes for something above my pay grade. If you put a request in web scheduler, make sure you call with it if you’re not already at work. These are general examples, the main point here is to not get into a detailed conversation about your sick leave use over the phone, or give management any reasons to pry further. Please let me know if you have any questions about this.
Have a great week, thanks for all you do!