Hi C Area! Welcome to the end of September. Here are some things for you….
Shutdown stuff - Lets just start with the obvious… It sucks. I know it sucks. I know you know it sucks. Gentle reminders for you however
You can still be held accountable for sick leave abuse.
There is no paid leave status during a shut down, so if you call in sick, you will be put on “furlough status”.
You are encouraged to use the non-recorded line if you need to call in (253-804-3007)
Overtime will be paid (when we get paid)
You are encouraged to keep track of your differential pay
If you are in financial need during the shutdown, there are organizations that are available to you. Please reach out if you need guidance for this.
The EAP phone number is 800-234-1327
If you have any questions about the shut down, please reach out and I will get back to you ASAP.
Eric and I were in a meeting today with ZLC and GEG discussing the AIT procedures with MSO & GPI and we had a wonderful discussion with both facilities. There are changes in the works with it, so as soon as we have something written up, you will be briefed on it.
I reviewed the last update to the Route Chan order and noticed that there was something missing, so after reminding airspace about it, you should see in your TEAM briefings soon that 09 has control from 01 for descent for PSC, ALW & RLD arrivals. I’m sorry the ball got dropped somewhere, but it will be implemented soon.
My favorite season continues to elude us, and while talks are happening on the facility level, they are still not finished. I have been told that Takashi will be here if there is a shutdown, so we are hopeful that talks will continue to work collaboratively towards an agreement. In the meantime, Carly & I are still discussing options and plans for a schedule, and we could use your input. If you are looking for some more swing shifts in your week, please let one of us know. Our dreams of the dream line schedule are still floating around in outer space, but we want to be prepared in case we are unable to facilitate that.
Remember, as much as it is a horrible feeling to be a pawn in someone else’s political game, we are here to keep the flying public safe and do our job, even when those who are supposed to be looking out for us are not. You ARE appreciated, and we are here for each other during this time, so lean on your coworkers for some mental support and encouragement. I will do what I can for the health and heartbeat of our area, so please reach out.
Thanks again for all you do