Some fun news to share…
A BIG congrats toooooooooooooooooooo
Jeydi for certifying on D8/18/09!
Andreas for certifying on R47/48!
Xylen for certifying on R07/11!
Well done to you three, and to everyone who worked so hard towards their success - many thanks!
In other news…….
The new metering procedures - BFI is NOT included in them, so treat BFI arrivals like we did before the trial. We can talk about adding it when the trial is over.
We are scheduled to meet with ZLC 9/22, hoping to have more answers for you after that.
Still no updates on facility MOU negotiations. I will keep you posted.
There was something else, but I have forgotten now. I’ll send out another email if I can remember…
OK, that’s it for now. Have a great rest of your week! Thanks for all you do!