Hi C Area!
We’re doing great getting through round 2, and should be able to start round 3 soon. This is the “shotgun” round, where you can bid 5 consecutive or non-consecutive days.
C-Cret Santa envelopes were left in your headset box, please let me know if you have any questions about that. I was a bit behind this year and I apologize, but try to have your C-Cret gift under the tree sometime before next week.
Glenn & Jared spoke with the SERCO QA person about LWS. She will be putting guidance and direction out to the facility about following the LOA, but if you are still seeing issues, please continue telling a sup or myself. Include the call sign, time and a brief description of what happened. This accurate information is what is making it easy for Glenn to pull the info and send it to QA.
Have a great rest of your week, and thanks again for all you do!