Hi C Area!
First - a BIG ‘ol round of high 5’s and congrats to Xylen for becoming a CPC! The 8 year plan has finally come to a close, and to all involved in his success - well done!
I had a great trip to the other side of the world to explore the coast of Northern Ireland. No rest for the weary and jet-lagged, our guide collaboration went to impass today. Amy is hopeful to meet with Takashi tomorrow to discuss guides so we can move on to the schedule and start in on my favorite season!
LWS - I know it would seem like things have gone rogue over there. Please keep track of call signs and/or times that you are experiencing something other than what our procedures spell out so I can forward that on. We tried sending Wendy over to talk with the new controllers there, but that approach obviously hasn’t stuck, so now we’re forwarding recordings of situations on to SERCO management. Feel free to email me, text me, or leave strips in my box (with context…puh-leeze) call signs, times, and a brief description of what happened.
I’ll keep you posted on anything else that comes in. Thank you SO much for your encouragement and patience. I sincerely want you to know that I would never sell out our area, working conditions, rights, or anything that would degrade our ability to do our job for speed or convenience. All this time has been worth it to preserve what is important to you.
Please reach out with any questions, and thanks for all you do!