If you didn’t already know, my favorite season of the year is bidding season! A schedule has been submitted to management and we are technically bidding 37 lines. If you haven’t already heard, we will be losing 3 people by June. Chaz will be leaving at the end of March, Alex Unruh will be leaving at the end of May, and Brian Spencer will be skipping valiantly out of the building towards his retirement the beginning of June. We have 34 lines that these changes will leave us with, and this way our schedule won’t be understaffed when summer hits. More will come out as we get the OK to bid and how it will look with the 3 who are leaving. Thank you for your patience as I get help navigating the schedule development process.

I have been on an SRM panel the past 2 days to go over the PSC relocation to GEG that is still scheduled to happen mid-October. Everything is in place for GEG to take over the airspace around the 14th I believe. I am trying to make sure any work that needs to be done with the potential to create any issues for us with radar or radios in the YKM/PSC airspace areas will not be done until after midnight on any particular day. So far that does not seem to be an issue.

Fun fact - YKM tower is still using a temporary tower due to the launched car incident in May. They are still in the process of bidding the work and it doesn’t sound like they’ll be back in the tower until at LEAST January of 2023.

If you ordered a facility t-shirt, they are in and are being organized. As soon as they are all labeled as to who’s shirt is who’s, they will be distributed.

We are still waiting on the wording for the GPI/MSO arrival procedure changes. Hopefully, that will come out soon.

Our area is gaining 3 new hires, academy grads. As far as I know, Jun and Jaydi are both in the building, and I have heard the 3rd should show up soon. We are not getting any transfers or anything outside of those 3 at this time.

Additionally, Annika will be leaving in November to take a job…somewhere else, I can’t remember now to be honest what the title is, but it was what Steve Robello has been doing. He will be taking over as the C-Area OM when Annika leaves.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation, I appreciate all you do. Have a great rest of your week, and if you need anything, please reach out.


