Happy Sunday, C Area!

First thing - these past couple of weeks have posed some challenges and have caused a lot of frustration, I know. Between Seafair, Vancouver going down to very minimal staffing (for what, I still don’t know, maybe you do…?) causing a lot of reroutes through our airspace, and thunderstorm season upon us, I want you to know I, for one, appreciate you being there, working hard, and keeping things moving safely and efficiently. Well done to you all!

The MIA maps are up and running, so please be diligent in ensuring you have your maps up or are double checking the altitudes.

We are still working out something new with GPI arrivals with going through 48, ZLC6, 08, and ZLC20. Please be patient and keep me posted if you have any ideas or if you’re having any issues with this.

I have presented a tentative schedule to management for their approval before we start briefing the workforce. I will keep you posted when I hear more. In the meantime, I still appreciate any and all feedback or ideas for the schedule.

I will be at RT-1 this week, but I will be available if you need anything.

Thanks again for all you do! Have a great week!


