Hi C Area!
A couple of quick updates for ya
Thank you to the DataComm volunteers for stepping up, I appreciate your time and efforts to help out!
Amy sent out an email recently for facility shirts. Please get your form filled out ASAP so she can place the order.
These shirts run a little small, so be aware of that when you place your order. The front is the octopus, the back is the radar sweep with the mountain and the fish. Local is purchasing a shirt for the members who would like one.
We are looking into the LOA with GEG for when they go live with Chinook airspace in October. If you have any thoughts on that, please let me or Jackie know.
On another note, it was mentioned that management thinks it would be a good idea to publish 1 under guides for the summer because the airlines aren’t supposed to have the flight schedule they were planning on. I have stayed it off so far, but please don’t hesitate to split a position or sit on a D side if it’s needed or looks like it could be beneficial. We don’t want to lose a body when we could really use it.
COVID - if you test positive for COVID with an at home test, that’s enough to let the flight surgeon know. To get reimbursed for your leave, you will need a PCR test (per Amy’s email June 3rd I think it was). After you get the result, fill out your CA-1 and let management know you are requesting to be put on COP. Please reach out if you have any questions on this. It can be a little confusing but we’re working on getting all the steps dialed in.
Thanks guys, as always, I’m available if you need anything.