As of today, Amanda Crumbley will be stepping up as C Area Rep. I want to thank her for stepping up and filling the role as I have become extremely busy in life and with my other NATCA duties. I remain an officer of the local, as your treasurer, I would be happy to field any issues you may have and coordinate with Amanda to get them resolved. With that, here is a message from Amanda. Going forward any emails from this address will be from her.
Hi C area!
The decision to step into the area rep role wasn't one I took lightly, but I am looking forward to the challenges and learning opportunities that being your area rep presents.
I hope to continue to foster a good working relationship with management and our surrounding areas. I know there are concerns with other facilities that need to be brought forward, and I will work hard to ensure they are resolved. My hope is you bring some solutions to the table with your concerns so we can all work together to resolve issues.
Please feel free to reach out to me with your questions and concerns, and I will do my very best to address them or figure out where I need to go for answers.
Thank you,