C Area,

As many of you are already aware we’ve been trying to address ZLC ZSE Seattle routing for a while now. The gist of the changes are as follows but expect to be officially briefed by management this week if you haven’t been already with more details and effective dates. 

Seattle turbojet aircraft south of Q152 (think near J16) will be routed no further than PDT on the CHINS arrival.  No more direct SUNED without an apreq from ZLC.  This should include aircraft from 16 on the CHINS as well.  There will be some exceptions if ZLC is giving us in-trail spacing that will be covered in the LOA further. 

Seattle turbojet aircraft north of Q152 (again think near J16) will be routed no further than MLP on the GLASR arrival.  There is an exception that ZLC 20/19 can route Seattle turbojet aircraft direct GEG if they are north of MLP.  This change should help alleviate the departure arrival conflictions we see today when aircraft are direct TEMPL from 48.

We also added control for speeds.

Lastly, I’d like to thank the airspace office (Paul) and our C-Area airspace supe (Eric) for all their support with these changes.

If there are any questions please feel free to reach out.

James Darlington

NATCA C Area Rep

