C Area,
We’ve finished redistributing the CPC leave slots, and the gist is we moved 37 slots in total.
Reduced slots in part of February for IST, September for refresher training, part of July, and August.
We were able to add those slots back around mid winter break, a few around spring break, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a some other holidays.
We tried to add some more slots around spring break but due to data-com training next year we weren’t able to add more. We ended up agreeing to leave it at 3 slots rather than reduce or add more as a compromise.
Exact dates listed below.
Feb 6th to 19th (IST)
July 16th and 17th
July 23rd
July 29th and 30th
August 1st to 3rd
August 8th and 9th
August 14th
August 20th to 26th
September 19th to 23rd (refresher)
Feb 20th to 26th
March 22nd and 23rd
March 26th
March 29th and 30th
May 30th
Oct 10th
Oct 29th to 31st
Nov 11th
Nov 20th to 23rd
Nov 25th and 26th
Dec 18th to 24th
Dec 26th to 31st
We should be able start round 2 for CPCs sometime this evening.
Still finalizing a few things with before we can start round 2 for trainees, but should have more updates on that this weekend.
If there are any questions please feel free to give me a call.
James Darlington
NATCA C Area Rep