C Area,

Before we start bidding wanted to update the previous posted schedule for anyone to reference. Everything should be up to date in bid ATC as well, but if there are any changes before we start bidding I’ll let you know.

We’re basically going with the 34 line schedule that has 1330NFs (with a 10 min flex) all week that was posted in the previous update with 2 minor changes. The 1600s on Saturday are changed to 16NF rather than just noted as 16NFs, and only the two 16NFs and one 1530 are highlighted to rotate each week with a note covering the rotatoin. Outside of that, everything else is the same.

Click here for the 2022 schedule

Once we’re done with round 1 for CPCs we’ll start bidding trainees and I’ll have a trainee schedule sent out beforehand.

If there are any questions please let me know.


James Darlington

NATCA C Area Rep

