Before we get to the survey, due to the recent changes in the canceling bid leave process mentioned in the last update please double check your bid leave for pay periods 17, 18, and 19 to make sure it was either approved or canceled the way you intended. This goes for everyone, including the people not at work. If you think something isn’t correct in those pay periods please let CW or myself know.
If there any questions about the survey below please feel free to reach out to me.
2020 current 5 and 5 schedule feedback survey
In an effort to get feedback on how our 5 and 5 schedule is going for everyone working it since we’ve been on this longer than most would have expected, we have some quick questions. We would basically like to know if you think we should consider rotating the day and swing shifts, or stay on straight days/swings instead of rotating for future unpublished pay periods. And, should we consider re-soliciting crew preferences (Days, Swings, Mids) for future unpublished pay periods. Under COVID guidelines we won’t be able to swap from A crew to B crew and vise versa. Also, we would need to get management buy in to be able to enact any sort of change if the majority wants to rotate and/or re-solicit preferences. The questions for these changes are for the remainder of this year starting with one of the future unpublished pay periods. As of right now this is just a solicitation of feedback and no guarantee of us being able to change anything if the majority wants to.
To be clear, if we are still going to be 5 and 5 in January 2021 we have every intention to re-solicit preferences before then anyways since we normally bid schedules before the beginning of the year.
Lastly, just as a reminder you can still swap with someone for the entire week if you want Days, Swings, or Mids that rotation.
Please click here for the survey
Thanks in advance for your time and feedback in filling out the survey.
James Darlington
NATCA C Area Rep