C Area,
As many of you are aware we will be transition to a 5 and 5 schedule starting May 28th. We’ve finalized the schedule based off everyone’s preferences, seniority, trying to keep the original bid crews together for when we eventually come out of this, etc.
The basics of the 5 and 5 schedule is listed below with the same shift start times. With that said this is subject to change.
7 on the day shift
7 on the swing shift
3 on the mid shift
Regarding how EA will be applied the current process is as such.
1 person on the day shift
2 people on the swing shift
1 person on the mid shift
EA will rotate on a daily basis during your 5 day work rotation and this would rotate in the shift the following day and so on. This will be subject to traffic changes, bid leave, and sick hits. When applying EA to the day shift there will be less opportunities when comparing to the mid shift. The feedback I’ve received so far is that the majority of the area does not want to rotate shifts or redo preferences while still on a dynamic schedule, however if that has changed please let me know and we will look into it. Taking that into consideration having 7 on the day, 7 on the swing, and 3 on the mid allows bid leave, sick hits, and EA to be applied among each shift without having to balance someone to a different shift. This also helps with social distancing and not having someone exposed to others they wouldn’t normally see by being placed on different shifts. With that said you are still be to able to swap your 5 days of shifts with someone else if you desire. Also, in trying to balance out the EA on the mid compared to the day, if there is any interest to rotate from the day to the mid to get the opportunity for more EA please let me know and we will look into it.
I know there may be questions regarding going to a 5 and 5 schedule and how the EA works so please feel free to give me a call and I’d be happy to go into details.
James Darlington
NATCA C Area Rep