C Area,
Below is the link to the crews and the first 2 rotations of the schedule. This is technically what to expect and not official, for the official schedule please refer to web schedule.
Crew A B C (click)
Schedule Grid A B C (click)
To figure out your schedule look for your initials under the Crew A B C link and take the crew letter and number next to your initials. For example JI is C9. Once you have your crew letter and number look for that in the schedule Grid A B C link. For example C9 is a 1400 shift starting on 4-8-20.
There is some nuance to the overlap in regards to overtime and is subject to change. Day shifts will have 2 people with 10 minutes of OT added to the beginning of their shift, evening shifts will have 3 people with 10 minutes added to the beginning of their shift, and both mids will have 10 minutes added at the beginning of their shift. Basically this will work the same way the Saturday night to Sunday morning mid normally does. The plan is to assign the OT in accordance with the OT MOU. Again, please check web schedule for your official schedule and if you have the 10 minutes of OT beginning of shift.
As of right now we are currently not planning on rotating any shifts in the C Area. However, you will be able to swap your entire week of shifts with someone else on your crew before the week starts if desired. For example, if you have 5 straight mids coming up and find someone that wants to work them you can swap your entire week of mids for their entire week of days or swings. The swap has to be completed before your work week starts. Once you’re work week has started you’re locked into those shifts. Expect more detail on this as we move forward. We currently don’t know how long this schedule will last but after a while if the area wants to we can consider looking into redoing preferences to switch it up.
James Darlington
NATCA C Area Rep