Below is the final draft for the 2016 schedule to be submitted to Managment to begin negotiation for next year. This version is basically the same schedule we have this year with a few tweaks. It is based on a core 4 per crew schedule with three additional lines, one S/Su straight day and one 4 swing and a day. Also there is one CWS with T/W/Th RDOs. I based this schedule on verbal feedback from members. There isn't a whole lot of room to make a creative schedule with 31 lines. Especially, since this includes one person set to retire in April. I plan to submit this schedule in a few days time, but wanted to get it out to the membership for feedback first. If anyone has an alternative schedule or ideas for one, now is the time to get it to me.
Some issues yet to be discussed which may impact 2016:
- Surprise or moved up retirement dates
- Late 16s for next summer and how that will be bid.
- My initial position is to not have them, but it can be a requirement by management to have extra coverage and we need to address what that looks like. More on this once i figure out where Glenn's head is at.