Pay Form

We've encountered several pay discrepancies recently, and to streamline the resolution process, the ATM and I have created this form. Printed copies will be available in each area. Please complete the form, sign it, and have a supervisor or OM sign it as well. Be sure to keep a copy for your records. The supervisor or OM will then submit the form to the front office. If you haven’t received a response within a week, follow up with your supervisor and inform your area rep. The form is HERE if you would like to look it over.

Electronic Official Personnel File (eOPF)

I mentioned this at the last All Members Meeting but also wanted to post it here. Recently, there has been much discussion about downloading your eOPF to have your own copy whenever needed. Please ensure you are not violating our security protocols. If necessary, review the eLMS associated with Personally Identifiable Information (PII).


As you probably read in TEAM, we are under a security Corrective Action Plan (CAP). I was not able to gather when the initial inspection was that we “failed.” Most of the things on the list included building maintenance-type stuff that we are not involved in. What we do need to be concerned about is the inspector's return to the facility on February 18-21. While you should always be following the rules, during that time, please ensure that you are wearing your badge correctly and not “piggybacking.”

Labor Relations (LR)

We currently have two active grievances that we can provide updates on at this time. Here is a quick rundown of them:

Tracking OJTI Pay in the Labs (Agency Response Due 2/13):

As you know, sim time is now covered by a national MOU to be paid at 25%. This MOU created for us a need to track the time in the lab. We initially agreed to have the time tracked by using paper -10 logs. While we were still negotiating how to proceed with a more permanent solution, the agency opted to violate the National Cru art MOU by requiring OJTIs and Trainees to “drag and drop” themselves on a computer in the lab. This violates the National MOU because that is a task that can only be done by supes and CICs and as you know, there is no Supe or CIC in the lab. After the grievance was filed, the agency opted to return to the temporary method we agreed upon (-10 logs). We are meeting with the agency next week to decide on a way to track this and are open to your suggestions.


Sector 35 Staff Study (Agency Response Due 2/16):

We have also filed a grievance on the Agency violating the collaborative process outlined in the CBA, FAA Order JO 7210.67B, and past practices regarding Sector 35 Staff study. The issue stems from unilateral changes made to a mutually agreed-upon staff study, falsely stating that NATCA ZSE FacRep agreed to reduce our staffing number by 6. A claim we have not agreed to. Additionally, local management had refused to provide the final version of the study sent forward, violating transparency and good faith bargaining requirements. After the grievance was filed, the Agency at the district level provided the staff study to us. We are working at every angle available to ensure this airspace divestiture is not slowed in any way.

ZSE Elections

This is a local election year and after hearing your feedback, we will change to in-facility voting. This means that when it is time for voting, we will send out ballots in the mail. You will then need to fill it out and submit it in the ballot box located near the mailboxes outside the control room. We are looking for volunteers to be on the election committee, please let your rep know if you are interested.

This Saturday is the 15th, so don’t forget to wear your NATCA shirts!

In Solidarity,

Amy and Drew
