OJTI Pay Increase
The new 25% OJTI pay starts on Monday. It will take a little while for the FAA to catch on to paying it out, so it would probably be beneficial to keep track of your OJTI hours for the next couple of pay periods. Next week also marks the beginning of OJTI pay for providing instruction for assigned simulation training, stage training, or skill training in simulator labs. In the future, you can expect to utilize CruART to track this time, but it is not quite ready yet. Until then, there will be paper sign-in/sign-out logs available. When you are done for the day, please leave them in the wooden tray near the CruART computer in the TTL. It would not surprise me if management actively looks for people adding to their time, so please remember to keep it accurate and for only the time you are running the problem.
Bid Survey Results
We had 34 responses to the survey, a pretty even response across the areas. Here are the results:
It looks like the majority of people that we heard from would like things to stay the same. So unless some significant new change comes out before the next bidding season, we will probably start out bidding RDOs, Round 1 AL, and the OT limited/available week at the same time. Most people we heard from do not favor stronger skip language.
We have been brainstorming ways to ensure your voice is heard and you always have access to a rep. The bid survey form seemed valuable and accessible, so I thought we’d try it out. HERE is a form that can be used to get your questions/comments/concerns to us if you don’t see a rep at the time. This doesn’t alert anyone when a response comes in, so please continue to contact your rep if you have something time-sensitive.
Representational Rights
It is no secret that this new front office regime has a very different vibe than what we’re accustomed to at ZSE. They are encouraging managers to be more disciplinary than ever before. Management will not involve us in disciplinary action without your permission, so we won’t know what’s going on if you don't contact us. You might have seen this cards floating around but just in case, here they are again:
I still have some of these cards, please let me know if you’d like one.
In Solidarity,
Amy Sizemore