Buckle in, lengthy update ahead, but I’ll try to be a succinct as possible. Just let me know if you have any questions or anything.

Facility Visit

Nick Daniels and Jamaal Haltom, running for NATCA President and Executive VP respectively will be in the facility on Wednesday the 15th from 1pm-3:30 and then returning after a meeting, sometime after 6pm.

Events Committee

Lots to go over here. 

  • We have the winners for the ZSE step challenge random raffle: Travis Beus, $50 gift certificate; Jessie Dias, $35 gift certificate; and Chico, $15 gift certificate. Please contact Lisa Marshall, email: lisabrookemarshall@gmail.com, text: (775) 247-4123 to let her know whether you would like that for Costco or REI. 

  • In celebration of NATCA’s 37th birthday, the Events Committee is going to be throwing a BBQ. It will be on June 18th and will be held up front near the grills. 

  • The Events Committee would value your input on what events you would like to see so they know how best to plan. Please fill out THIS short survey so they know what you are interested in. 

Collaborative Health Assessment (CHA)

Quick background: each facility has two Collaboration Facilitators (CFs), one management and one NATCA. Their primary focus is on the relationship between the FacRep and the ATM and how effective they are as a pair. Normally, the interaction between the FacRep/ATM and their CFs is pretty informal, mostly just a call/text to see how things are going. Every couple of years though, they come to the facility and conduct a CHA. This has nothing to do with the Flight Surgeon or anything like that, it is a short survey on the state of collaboration in the facility. Then, at the end, they compile the de-identified data and provide the ATM and FacRep with what could be described as a report card. They will be here May 22-23 and will be interviewing as many people as possible. While not required, it is strongly encouraged and will be on duty time, you do not have to use your break time. More information HERE. If you will not be here those days but would still like to be interviewed, please contact Marilou Scherer at scherermadness@gmail.com.

Childcare Survey

A couple of weeks ago, Drew sent out a survey link. It’s really important that we get as many people to fill this out as possible so we can try to get childcare in the area again. Here is the information again:

Linked below is a survey created by Jen Teshima to help us try to get childcare in the area. We have no guarantee that this will move the needle at all but we need maximum participation in this to be able to have a shot at getting childcare back in the area.

This is for people who currently need child care OR THINK YOU MIGHT IN THE FUTURE!!

Survey:  Childcare Survey

Thank you in advance for your help!


Contact Your Representative

We are so close to the FAA Reauthorization being voted into law and then we don’t have to talk about that for another 5 years. The Senate passed it, and it is in the hands of the House right now, but as you know, not a lot of things are moving quickly these days. You probably received an email from NATCA National today asking you to contact your representative to pass the FAA Reauthorization Act now. It is super simple and will take less than a minute, you don’t need to think of words to say or who your representative even is, the form does it for you. If you can’t find the email, the link it HERE.

I know this was a lot. Thank you for making it to the end. Enjoy the sun while we have it for the next week or so.

