How’s THAT for a subject line?? I bet you all opened this quickly though, eh?

Pay Issue

We’re aware some of you who receive pay on Fridays experienced a brief delay in your paycheck reaching your account today. This was a nationwide issue and appears to have been resolved. If your pay hasn’t come through, please reach out, and we’ll make sure to help you get it corrected.


We had anticipated beginning briefings on the MOUs this Sunday, 10/27, but unfortunately, due to circumstances outside of our control, we’re holding off for now. We’re optimistic this will be resolved in the next few days, aiming for briefings by the end of next week and bidding to start the following week. While I hesitate to commit to an exact date given the unpredictable nature of this process, we expect bidding to start no later than 11/10. This does mean that, once again, it will be on us to bid quickly and efficiently once the process begins.

One thing I want to emphasize: this delay is not due to any actions on the part of your area reps. They’ve been working tirelessly to get this moving as quickly as possible amid a very challenging MOU season as we work to integrate new fatigue guidance.

We’ll keep you updated as soon as we have more information.

