OSHA Update From Patrick Long
The pavement project is in full swing and progressing to phase 2, which will significantly impact the operation floor and the overall parking situation. Phase 2 will occur over the next two months and close down the west side of the facility parking lots along the apartment complex. During this phase, the sidewalk on the west side will be removed in sections, which means no walking along that side. They have placed caution tape to keep people out, PLEASE don’t walk through there. At times there will be large deep holes while they make the area ADA-compliant. Also, the doors from the OSW towards the west parking area will have signs saying “not an exit” please do not go out there, again large deep holes.
Beginning Monday (the 22nd), they will start tearing up the alleyway between the generator building and the control floor, leading towards the loading dock and behind the cafeteria. The work will commence between 600-1630 Monday- Thursday. We conducted some tests to see the impact of these machines inside the control floor. The consensus was that you might feel a vibration when they pave new material, but it did not impact operations. If there are any issues, please inform the OM immediately.
During this phase, and additional phases, occur parking spaces may become limited. Behind the generator build is additional parking if need be.
A final reminder to please be vigilant of all the construction, trucks, and crew around the parking lots. There have been instances where vehicles went down the wrong direction of our one-way parking lot and almost hit a pedestrian and a vehicle backing out of a spot. Also, please watch for construction flaggers and vehicles, as they do their best to keep everyone safe.
Anyone with any questions or concerns can bring them to me or your area rep. NATCA is active in all construction project phases, and all our concerns are being addressed.
I will be working with the facility leadership in PSC for the next two days, but I will be available via phone and email if you need anything. Also, Drew will be here if you need anything. Next week though, we will both be out Tuesday and Wednesday for the Regional meeting. We will report the details of that meeting at our All Members Meeting on June 5th.
Thank you,
Amy Sizemore