Hey membership! Here are the meeting minutes from the meeting a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, some of it is irrelevant now because the government shutdown was averted. However, it may come in handy whenever the next deadline comes up and these questions come up again. We are still looking for anybody interested in helping plan events! Let a rep know. Thanks, heres the minutes,


All Members Meeting 9/27/23 East/West Conference Room and Microsoft Teams

Attendance:  Tucker Enzien, Xylen Holmes, M’lynda Jallinger, Derek Adams, Jen Teshima (teams), Damien Littell, Patrick Beerman, Kenny Courts, Lisa Marshall, Josh Pate, Matt Simpson, Dave Dixon, Josh Palmer, Roger Adams, Kevin Thomson, Abbi Kennedy, Lindsay Williams (Training/Elections Rep), Evan Gwinn, Kari Box, Zach Rush, Dove Toche, Jacob Heuvel, Zoe Martin, Cody Edwards, Alex Fontaine, Chris Costanza, Taylor Choate, Andrew Cousin (PAE), Alex Mather, Daniel Dean, Kevin Nguyen, Noelle Walas, Ligaya Corbitt, Jennifer Urbina, Loren Cameron (teams), Nick Meyer, Derek Harris, Dan Rasmussen (A-Area Rep) (teams), Amy Sizemore (FacRep), James “Chico” Eastham (Secretary), Drew Stewart (VP), Devin Carlisto (Treasurer), Amanda Crumbley (C Area Rep), Tim “Pirate” Bizeau (B-Area Rep) (teams), Alan Zelez (S46 FacRep), Taunisha Karsh (Safety Rep), Mike Sellman (Tech Rep), Jon Jones (Staff Rep), Kip Karsh

Start time:  1:10 PM

Food:  Birria Tacos, Fries, and Churros, provided by ZSE Natca Local

Local Constitution Changes - 

We had planned to talk about some things here, but it’s not quite ready, so this will wait until the next meeting.

Potential Government Shutdown - 

We don’t have any insider information.  The information that is out there is what we have to work with.  It is hard to know how it will go.  If they don’t come to an agreement soon, the shutdown will start on Monday.  All non-excepted employees will not be allowed to come in.  Everybody without an A-side can’t come in.  If you have an A-side, you come in.

There was a question about whether the shutdown will start on Sunday or Monday.  Based on what we have heard, it will be Monday for sure, not sure about Sunday.

Trainees will be in the area, just hanging out and monitoring.  OJTI will continue as normal.  Keep track of the hours that you train, night hours you work, Sundays, etc.  This will help you to double check your pay stub for accuracy.

Any guidance regarding leave?  It’s always different every time.  There is a bill that has been signed into law, which guarantees back pay if you are on furlough from the federal government.  There are no paid leave statuses, only furlough.  Sick leave abuse is still possible, they can track the leave you are taking.  That being said, if you are sick you are sick.  You might hear people in the area talking about which rules they are going to break, etc.  Don’t try and cheat or abuse the shutdown for your own gain.   It is no fun to be a pawn in this, but we still have a job to do, and a duty to the flying public to keep things moving and give our best effort.

Will this affect training times?  This will affect everything.  Everything gets delayed when a government shutdown happens.  Refresher training will be delayed also.

Will there be financial assistance?  Sky One Credit Union will definitely have something available.  They are a partner of NATCA.  Drew mentioned USAA will put your mortgage on hold if you work with them.  Many financial institutions are generally understanding and can help you temporarily while you are not getting paid.

Activism - In the past we’ve done gatherings at airports where we hand out leaflets and hold up signs.  We want to tell legislators that their inability to get work done is having a real effect on our lives.  Certain HATCH act violations are suspended during a government shutdown.

What about scheduled leave that people have?  Can they use it?  Yes, you take your leave as normal.  If you have leave currently approved you can expect it to continue.  The leave gets canceled and converted to furlough leave.  You will be back paid at the end because of the GEFTA (Government Employee Fair Treatment Act) bill.

Will supervisors approve leave now?  They can’t approve leave, it will just be furlough.  Our contract is not suspended during a shutdown, it still has to be followed.  Leave should be normal aside from it being called furlough instead of sick/annual/etc.

Our paychecks had a lot of mistakes last time, and there will probably be mistakes this time also.  Anything you can do to help keep track of the hours you work, weekends, nights, training, etc. will help you make sure you get what you are owed.

For those that are not excepted, how will we know when to come back?  You’ll hear from Amy, NATCA national, work, or all three.  There will be notifications sent out.

Visitors - 

We have two visitors attending the meeting today.  Alan Zelez is the Fac Rep at S46.  Andrew Cousin is from PAE.  Welcome!

MOU Negotiations - 

In order to negotiate in good faith, we can’t disclose all of the details we are talking about with management.  Management is moving pretty slow in getting things done.  They have newer people that they are trying to educate on how this process goes.

Evan asked about the potential for losing bid leave slots in January.  If we don’t complete our schedule bidding by a certain time, the January schedule will already be published and we won't get a chance to bid leave then.  This is true, however, if we lose slots in January they will be moved to later in the year.  The number of slots will not decrease.  Management has a lot of incentive to try and have negotiations completed before this would become a problem.  You can still request leave as you normally would, it just wouldn’t be guaranteed.  There is not a real fear that it would come to this.  We think things should be completed before then.  Alan says that our facility is not the only one having difficulty this year with getting the MOU negotiations completed.  He is having the same issues at S46 as well, and it seems to be region wide.  Is our regional leadership aware of this?  Are they doing anything to help?  They are aware, but they can’t really step in until the parties come to an impasse at the local level.

Treasurer Report - 

There have been a few amendments that we’ve done to move some money around, but that has kept us on budget.  Should we do an event before the end of the year, we may look at using savings for that.  At our next all members meeting is where we will set the budget for 2024, so if you have ideas let Devin know.  We are looking to do more food for members for holidays or get togethers etc.  Devin also noted that we had used a good portion of funds to help build out internet at the facility, but now that it is in place and running we don’t have those costs anymore.

Events - 

We are still looking for somebody to help with planning events.  You wouldn’t be doing it all alone, Amy would be able to help some.  It would be nice to have somebody to take care of the logistical and planning aspects of it.  Events help us build relationships with each other, adjacent facilities in the area, and also Region X.  If you are interested let your rep know.

Meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM
