
After much hard work from Matt Coughlin and Devin Carlisto we are happy to roll out our new, much more secure wifi setup. There is a short process to get you going on it but I promise it’s pretty easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Join the NATCA-Members Wifi (password: membersonly)

  2. You will get a pop-up “splash” page similar to what happens when you attempt to join a hotel’s wifi. On that screen there will be an email ( Send an email to that address requesting a login for the wifi.

  3. Once you receive a reply with your username and password, rejoin the NATCA_Members wifi and log in with the username and password that was emailed to you.

You could also just directly email to get your sign-in and then access the wifi with that username and password. Please retain this username and password as you will be using it for all your devices. Do not share this password with anyone, every member will have their own. Matt and Devin are processing thee all individually so please be patient when waiting for your sign in information.

Thanks again to Matt and Devin for their hard work on this.

We expect to begin briefing the MOUs to you all in the next few weeks and then bidding shortly after that. Not much else to add at this time. Please let us know if you have any issues.

Drew & Amy
