T-Shirt Order

If you haven’t filled out your order for your shirt, please do so right away. We need to get everyone’s together before we can send this in. If you do not want one, please let us know so we can update the list. Reminder: our local board is paying for this shirt, there is no additional cost.

Men’s cut shirt form

Women’s cut shirt form


I cannot stress the value of this program enough. If your household is dependent on your income, this is something you should look into. I put the flyer in the bulletin board outside the control room but basically if you are medically incapacitated for 90 days or more, the benefits kick in. Then it’s 50% of your monthly gross earnings for up to 5 years. The cost is $37 a pay period. Please consider this program. Website: natcadisability.com

NATCA Benefits

While we’re on the subject, you should go to natcabenefits.com to see all the other stuff your membership gets you. The other massive benefit is the retirement seminars, the list of online and in person dates are in there. This can save you thousands of dollars over the span of your retirement.

Amy Sizemore
