Good Morning All!
Just a quick reminder if you’ve tested positive for covid and want to pursue getting your SL back, you need to file within 30 days of the last day you worked. The second thing you need is your test results from a third party tester (pharmacy, doctor, testing site, etc). It doesn’t have to be a PCR test, it just can’t be a home test. If you need the full instructions and didn’t save that email, log on to, the password is zse, then you can go up to the Updates tag and scroll through all the past updates.
Parking Passes
Unfortunately, we are coming to the end of an era. Our printed out parking passes were always meant to be a temporary program and would only work when we had limited personnel coming through the gate. As of April 11th, there will be no more telework for all the office people so the security office is getting antsy about a return to scanning badges.
We’ve been pretty light on news lately, which I guess is a good thing. Maybe it really does mean things are getting back to normal. That being said, if there’s anything that you’d like to see discussed or looked into, please let me know.
Amy Sizemore