Good afternoon all, I know it’s been a little while since I’ve sent out an email but there really wasn’t any new information to pass on. But we just got the word that as of immediately, all training can resume! You all must have a training team meeting to start and will all need Article 67 time but this is an exciting developement!
All Members Meeting
Our all members meeting is coming up 2 weeks from now on March 16th. It’ll be 11am-1pm in the East West conference room and lunch will be provided. Please continue to send us agenda items that you’d like brought up at the meeting but right now we’ve got:
New WiFi Protocol
2023 Bidding
Vision for ZSE: We want to know what you would like to see happen with our local, what kind of solidarity events, general goals or changes you’d like to see us pursue.
Article 18 Discussion (CIC Panel)
Also, if you’ve noticed, we’ve scheduled all the meetings for the year. It’s posted on the bulletin board.
Thank you all for your patience during this training stoppage,
Amy Sizemore