Good afternoon all, we thought maybe by now we’d have some concrete information to report to you about the Presidential announcement regarding vaccines but still nothing. As soon as there is new guidance we will let you know.

Convention / CFS

By now you’ve heard that due to covid numbers rising, the 2020 (2021) NATCA Convention has once again been postponed with the new date of December 6-8. This delta variant is proving to be very aggressive. The National Executive Board decided that the risk was too great of a possible super spreader event. Hopefully things will improve in time to make the December date work out. Also, as of today, CFS was cancelled. The new dates are September 12th-14th, 2022.

If anything new comes out, we will send out another short email. See you at Zimmy’s (socially distanced and outdoor) going away tomorrow!

Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore
