Good afternoon all, hot enough for you? Haha...just kidding, that’s not a question, it’s def too hot.
MOU negotiations
We will be sitting down with management shortly to hammer out 2022 MOUs. If you have concerns or suggestions for changes you’d like to see, please talk to your rep or email us.
Contract Corner
We would like to add a new section to our update and take some time to go over contract articles occasionally. We’ll start it off by going over a section from Article 24 Annual Leave, specifically Section 14.
The important takeaway here is that if you’d like to utilize the protections written into this section, you need to follow up your WMT request with an actual conversation with a supervisor. Oftentimes the shift staffing will allow for leave when the request was put in but it isn’t addressed for so long that for whatever reason there was a drop in staffing and then the leave could no longer be approved.
Party! Party! Party!
Although we’ll hate to see him go, we really hope you’ll join in saying goodbye to one of ZSE’s favorite people, Jared Zimmerman. Facility wide parties have long been a great ATC tradition that absolutely needs to make a comeback! Getting to know people outside of work is so valuable in high stress, non conventional work-hour jobs like ours. Can’t wait!
Until next week,
Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore