They have started our RL3 (Regular Level 3) cleanings every mid shift. This will alleviate the need to go ATC-0 in the event of a covid hit at our facility.
RL2 and RL3 cleanings
There will be more janitorial presence in the building. During the day, you might see janitors in the area but they should not be cleaning the places you’re actually working at, just the unused scopes, etc. They shouldn’t be asking anyone to move or anything so please don’t ask anyone to leave the area.
Here’s what we’ve seen so far from the RL3s:
For the first 14 days, it will be a rather large group of people in the operation to observe the cleaners. After that, it should just be two janitors and it will be between 1-3am.
We haven’t noticed any sort of cleaning product odor. The name of the cleaner is Pure Hard Surface cleaner and is basically isopropyl alcohol, citric acid and water. The safety data sheet is available, if you would like to see it, let us know.
There are a couple of things that need to be done by the end of the swing shift:
With the exception of the 2 chairs for the mid shifters, ALL chairs need to be removed from the operation. This includes chairs from behind the consoles.
ALL unused blank strip holders (not the airport bay headers) need to be put into the strip buckets so they can be cleaned. They will be returned by 6 am.
The janitors are being trained not to clean any screen with a handset plugged in so these need to be unplugged and placed on the consoles to be cleaned. Anything in the overhead cubbies will not be touched. That will include any tracker positions with the guard frequencies on them. Also, the supe/CIC positions need to have the cordless headset, handset, and any other equipment used to activate the VSCS screen unplugged.
When you open up a sector after cleaning, please remember to check all the volume knobs. They will get moved during cleaning.
When they clean, it’s very probable that the D-side Input Keypad will get locked out. Check it right away when opening a sector so the SOC can send someone to fix it right away if necessary.
Please report any surfaces, screens, keyboards, etc. that have any sticky residue to the supe/CIC right away.
We’d like to take the time to remind everyone of the importance of mask usage. This is even more important now that some areas will be returning to BWS. Proper wearing of masks is imperative as we continue to train and have more people returning to the facility in the coming weeks and months. In addition to being a courtesy to those you work closely with, it is also a requirement under the current MOU, and would be very hard to defend if management were going to attempt some kind of discipline. We know that sometimes the FLMs or OMs appear to not follow the MOU, but we assure you, we are constantly making it known that they must be in compliance. When a cleaning crew is in your area, they will be moving all around the area so please just put your mask on so they can get in and done as quickly as possible.
Thank you,
Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore