Training Pause

Due to the rising cases of covid in the building, the FAA has implemented a requirement to discontinue all training that cannot be accomplished without social distancing. For us that means pausing D side training only. Since there are so many sector combinations and placements it is very difficult to create a plan less broad than that. If you have any specific training concerns, please talk to your area rep.

Wellness Briefing

Tomorrow at 10am, we will be having a wellness town hall briefing. Derek Adams will be part of the group speaking about the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Sarah Grampp will be speaking about the CISM program and then Bob Obma will be speaking in reference to the SSRI procedures. SSRIs are a type of antidepressants that historically have been allowed for pilots but not for controllers. After years of hard work, there is finally a path available for people to seek the mental health they need without fear of losing their job. Please join us tomorrow and learn about these programs. The link to join the town hall is located HERE.

In Solidarity,

Amy Sizemore
