2022 Bidding
We will be starting to bid this Monday the 18th. Just in case you didn’t make it to an MOU briefing this week, natca-zse.com/bid is the website to view all the MOUs and the bidATC video Devin made for us. If you get a second, please log on to bidatc.com/zse to ensure you remember your password and your preferred notification method is up to date. If you have any problems, please let any one of the reps know.
Attestation and Reasonable Accommodation
We still have not heard about the vetted process to request a reasonable accommodation. If it is very important that you get this done sooner rather than later, you might want to request your exception with the FAA’s process but otherwise continue to be patient and we will definitely forward any information we get to you as soon as we get it. Attestation forms should be filled out on duty time and still must be done on a government computer or on paper and given to your immediate supervisor.
Employee Express
Here is an email that was sent out today to the FacReps:
“NATCA recently became aware that access to Employee Express was abruptly changed to require the use of an FAA-issued PIV Smartcard on government furnished equipment. This change has limited the ability for bargaining unit employees (BUEs) who are not reporting to a facility/office and do not have access to government furnished equipment to log onto Employee Express. Employee Express is not a FAA system, but the FAA has been advised that additional options for access are forthcoming. NATCA will provide more information about those options as soon as we have it.
In the interim, the Agency has provided the following POCs for BUEs who are on long-term leave or lack access to a government furnished computer and require assistance with matters within Employee Express.
For changes to Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB), Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), and Thrift Saving Plans/Roth, contact the Benefits Operation Center:
· (855) 322-2363
For all other changes (listed below) or for a copy of your Leave and Earnings Statement, contact the following, based on your region:
· Direct Deposit
· Discretionary Allotment
· Federal Tax (W4)
· Financial Allotment
· Health Savings Allotment
· Home Address
· State Tax
· Earnings and Leave Summary
Please put the type of request in the subject line. For example, if you need to change your direct deposit information, put “EEX Direct Deposit Update needed” or if you’re requesting a copy of your Earnings and Leave Statement, put “LES Request” in the subject line.
· Northwest Mountain: Oklahoma City Shared Services Center (9-AMC-AMH-HR-SSC@faa.gov)”
Additionally, we’ve heard that people have had success with buying a PIV card reader and hooking it up to their home computer.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Amy Sizemore and Drew Stewart