For those that made it to the virtual update, we thank you. It was very nice to get to chat with you all and hear some of your questions and concerns. For those that weren’t able to make it, this update will try to capture the highlights.

Use or Lose Leave

Our RVP, Alex Navarro, was able to join us for a few pressing questions on the National front. One of the biggest concerns is use or lose leave. At this time there are no negotiated terms for use or lose. There is an assumption that something will be worked out, but there are no guarantees. If you find yourself in a position of having use or lose leave, please feel free to use it as you deem necessary.

Dynamic Scheduling

We are now midway through the second rotation of 5/5 scheduling and so far things seem to be going quite well. We know the thoughts on most people’s minds is when we will return to normal. Based on the current traffic data and staffing levels, it doesn’t seem like it will be soon, but as with everything up to this point, it can change at a moment's notice. Our initial thought is when traffic picks up we may start eliminating some of the additional EA and as it picks up more we will start negotiating going back to our bid schedules. At this time management has not shown any intentions of engaging in these negotiations. As the summer goes on and we evaluate the traffic levels we will keep you posted. 

OT on the Dayshift

The Eboard engaged in a conversion about eliminating one of the two 10 minute OT shifts assigned to the 0600 shift. When the dynamic scheduling rolled out several months ago, we agreed to revisit the OT assignments to ensure they were what we needed. After discussion, we have agreed to reduce the number of OTs on the 0600 shift to one. The area reps, schedulers and/or scheduling supes will be working to adjust Webscheduler to reflect these changes. 


We closed up the fundraising drive last Saturday with a final total of $3027! Amazing job ZSE! Rainier Valley Food Bank was our last donation of $527 just to zero out our balance. Second, we will be going ahead with our backpack donation again this year, details and requests for volunteers will be coming out soon.


Still no word on developmentals coming back into the building yet but the FAA is starting to develop virtual training. This of course will not take the place of OJTI but will be a way to re-engage students that have been out of the books for a while. The training department would like to start that in the next 6 weeks or so but there is no definite timeline or content yet. 

Father’s Day

The Northwest Mountain communications team wants to celebrate Father’s Day by featuring pictures of you and your kids! Please send them to the NNM Facebook, Instagram or NNMCOMM@NATCA.NET. If you have time, fill out this short survey too. Fathers Day Form

Local Synology Giveaway

While normally the Local uses its equipment until it breaks, occasionally, we have a piece of equipment that we long need and so we are able to offer it to the Membership. We have a Synology 2 Bay Disk Station (DS213j) that we longer need now that cloud storage is so robust. It includes 2 1GB Hard Drives that will be wiped. If you are interested in this unit please fill out this form by June 19th to be considered and we will randomly draw a winner on June 20th.
