Good evening all, hope this finds you well. In an effort not to inundate you with email blasts we took last Friday off, but we are back with some needed information. 

5/5 Schedules

We’ve officially transitioned to our 5/5 schedules with some additional EA. As with everything up to this point, I’m sure there will be many questions and “what if” scenarios. We will continue to address those as they come up. One major concern is getting recalled for a 0600 in the middle of the night. This was discussed with Don and he assured us that only OMs will be making that call. This means that a call must come prior to 2200 before the OM goes home or the OMIC will have to call the OM at home in the morning prior to their shift to make the recall for the dayshift prior to 0600. Apparently OMs are people too and don’t want to be called until they are awake for their shift, so we can expect this call from them sometime between 0430 and 0600. If at any time this becomes a problem please notify an Eboard member and we will put an end to it immediately. Many of the other questions we are hearing are regarding leave, turning in leave, converting EA to leave and other similar scenarios. We will admit that we do not have all the answers to every situation and are learning as we go just as many of you are. This pandemic has forced us into uncharted territory so please be patient with us as we continue to address these questions and negotiate with management on a reasonable solution. In the meantime, we urge you to work closely with your crew to look out for and take care of each other. Swap EA amongst yourselves (within your crew). Give each other a heads up if you think you need to call in sick and they may get recalled. The more we work together with our brothers and sisters, the more sustainable this situation will be. 


Some of you may have seen ZSE mentioned in the NATCA Insider email last week. You all should be very proud of your contribution to our community. We are close to hitting our next $500 milestone and donating our next check. Donations are starting to slow down so we may start to think about putting an end date on this soon. If you’d still like to help out, Venmo @Amanda-Sizemore1 


By now, you should have received a second, better quality NATCA mask. If you didn’t, please get a hold of your area rep. On May 18th, King County put out a mask recommendation for most public places. So far, masks are not required at any air traffic control facilities but it is a good way to keep our germs to ourselves. The whole system works better when everyone that is able to wear a mask does so.

If you choose to wear a mask, just some reminders:

  • Your mask should cover your nose and mouth at all times.

  • Always wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before you put on a face covering and after removing it.

  • Wash your face covering after each use (daily).

As the state begins to open up, please remember to take appropriate precautions for yourselves and your families. We feel it is going to be a very difficult summer with this pandemic looming over us, but we are confident that with all the precautions we are taking, ZSE can get through this together.

Thank you,

Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore

(For those that read down this far, good job! I miss you all very much and truly can’t wait to get back in there and see my people again! It’s so boring at my house! -Amy)
