Welp, I wish I had something other than covid related news but I don’t. So sorry.

If you have have symptoms, please follow the current health department recommendations on whether you need to be tested. Most clinics/urgent cares are not accepting walk ins so call ahead. After you have done all that, PLEASE let one of us know that you suspect exposure AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We need to establish a timeline and we’ll help you in the right direction after that. You will have to report covid related symptoms and doctor prescribed quarantine to the flight surgeon.

Information sharing - We completely understand the frustration of the FAA not providing very much up to date information. We will be trying to mitigate that by starting to do bi-weekly (at a minimum) updates. This situation is constantly evolving, almost hourly sometimes. Also, on this Sunday, March 22nd at 3pm, Northwest Mountain Region will be holding a live stream with the latest guidance and Q&A. If you didn’t get that email and want to participate, please let me know and I’ll forward the link.

Parking passes - These are available at the OM desk. With this in your dash, you will be able to just present your badge to the gate guard instead of having to hand it to them. The color will be changing occasionally so check before you go home for your weekend.

Cleaning supplies - The building manager has been delivering supplies to the OM desk. if your area is out, just go ask them. Please don’t throw away the sanitizer containers, they are refilling them at the OM desk. Also, wipes cannot be used on screens, especially the radar scope. There is an anti-glare coating on the screen that can be removed by improper cleaning. There are gloves available if you like, maybe even as a reminder to not touch your face.

Training - The training initiative time requirements have been suspended. At this time, training is not being suspended. We are working with the front office to get people that aren’t certified on a useful combination of sectors out of the control room. If you do not feel comfortable training due to the close proximity, please let your supervisor know. On that note, if you hear of anyone “staffing chairs,” please let us know.

All Members Meeting - Obviously we cannot meet as planned. We are going to try out a telcon style meeting. As of right now, it will be on microsoft teams but that may change. We’ll send out the link for it before the meeting. It will be the same date but the time will be changed to 2pm.

Please stay safe and let us know if we can help with anything,

