It’s so exciting to see that big yellow orb in the sky, hope you all got a chance to get outside in the not-rain for a bit!
All Members Meeting
We will be having an all members meeting on March 30th, 3pm at the Rainbow Cafe in Auburn. There are some very important topics we will be discussing to include NATCA in Washington, so please try to attend if you can.
NATCA Convention
If you haven’t heard, the biennial convention is coming up in May and will be held in Houston. For those new to NATCA, that is when we gather as a national body and vote on/ratify any constitutional amendments. You will be receiving a booklet with the submitted constitutional amendments in the next month or so. We will have ongoing discussions about these amendments as a local so that we can represent the views of our membership when we vote at convention. There will be one more membership meeting prior to convention for us to discuss these proposals. If you haven’t signed up for it but plan to go, I would do it quickly. There is not any EA associated with this like CFS so make sure you’ve got your annual leave secured. If you plan on attending, please send me an email because I have a link to send you. Also, it will be good to know how many people we’re expecting from ZSE.
Mid Shift Clarification
Some of you may have already been given a letter from your supervisor about mid shift operations. If you haven’t yet, you will get it soon. There is one sentence that is concerning people that says something to the effect of you may not sleep on duty. The FAA intended to mean duty time as the time spent in the control room, your breaks are still yours to spend as you wish. The important things to gather from this is people across the nation are in danger of getting fired for things such as leaving early and falsifying the ART. If new rules/changes are being implemented on your mid shift, please let your rep know.
Thank you all and have a great night!
Amy Sizemore