Hello all, we hope this update finds you in good health. It seems as though some rumors have been flying around the facility so we will touch on that quickly.

Apparently Don made a statement at standup this week that we would be returning to BWS within 7 days. Management has yet to engage in any talks with us about that, so we are not sure why this was said. Although we have no way of guaranteeing how long we will remain in a 5 and 5 schedule, we can guarantee that NATCA will be part of those conversations and ultimate approval to return to BWS will need to come from the district level. The Eboard will continue to work closely to do what is best for the facility based on traffic levels and operational need. As soon as discussions begin that signify we need to return to BWS, we will update the membership.

There are also a lot of things going on around the facility to prepare for phase 2 of the training resumption plan. Please know that these requirements need to be met but are independent of whatever schedule we happen to be on. With this you will see a decrease of seating in the cafeteria along with an increase in seating being socially distanced. Please leave the seating arrangements alone as they are part of the requirements set forth to continue bringing people back into the facility.

With that we would like to remind everyone that mask usage when unable to maintain social distancing is required. This includes relief briefings, training, cafeteria usage and any other area where social distancing is not possible. Although we have not had issues in our facility up to this point, there are facilities around the region that have pursued disciplinary action due to non-compliance. Please continue to stay vigilant in your mask usage and hold each other accountable.

As always we are here for you when you need us. We will continue to keep you updated as new information comes to light or things begin to change around the facility. Please reach out with any questions you may have and let us know what we can do to better serve you.

In Solidarity,

Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore
