Phew, it’s nice to be back in the PNW. If you didn’t know already, I’m a local boy and therefor am not a fan of the dry heat that both OKC and LAS offered the last week and half. As you’ve noticed, this update is not coming out on a Monday. Amy and I determined that there is often a lot to do on Monday’s after we’re gone for the weekend, so we will be changing to an end of the week recap.
Thank you to all of those that participated in the elections. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone that stepped up to help make ZSE a better place to work. I am honored and humbled that I will be continuing on as your FACREP. I look forward to finishing out this year with our current Eboard and working closely with the newly elected Eboard over the next two years. We have some old faces and some new so it will be a great time for us to further grow this Local.
I attended TRB training last week in OKC and I have to say it was a very good class. I encourage anyone that is interested in being on a TRB panel to represent NATCA or simply wants to see how the TRB process works, to sign up for a class through the NATCA portal. The classes for next year are not scheduled yet and they will be revamping the class to fall in line with the upcoming 3120.4 changes, but I will keep you posted once 2020 classes are published.
The Center FACREP meeting and CFS took place this week on Sunday-Wednesday. Both events were quite informative and gave us a lot to bring back and apply in the facility. In addition, ZSE had three (and one former) members honored at the Archie League Awards Banquet. The award went to Joseph Asmundson, Matthew Rhea, Nicole Coffey, and Devin Carlisto. Here is the link to their writeup on the NATCA sight.
I will share a video of the award being handed out when it becomes available. I am proud that ZSE had the opportunity to be represented at this great event and I want to thank the winners for their professionalism during a very taxing situation.
Our 2019 Archie League Award winners with Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert, NNM RVP Alex Navarro and President Paul Rinaldi.
All the folks representing ZSE at CFS and the Archie League Awards Banquet.
That’s all I have for this week. There will be much more to come as we push forward with the MOUs and finalize schedules. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Again I am honored and humbled to continue to serve you.
In Solidarity,
Derek Adams