I still have a lot of catching up to do, but I can honestly say that it is good to be back to work. I truly do love this career and I really enjoy working airplanes, which I got to do a bit of last week to ensure I kept my proficiency.
As many of you know we recently lost a sister out of Tulsa Riverside ATCT (RVS) to suicide. This deeply saddens me and my heart goes out to her family, her coworkers and her community for their loss. We are a strong and capable workforce, but I think we try so hard to maintain our tough exterior, we sometimes forget to take care of our inner selves. We have programs in place including EAP to help you when you need it, but beyond that, I want to extend myself to you when you find yourself in a time of need. I am always happy to meet at work or outside of work just to chat or talk about more serious matters. I am in no way a councilor, but I can always be a friendly ear. Please remember that if you are in a time of need, please reach out to your brothers and sisters. Our differences aside, we are on the same team and want the best for each other, our Union and our great profession.
MOU negotiations are quickly approaching and the Eboard wants your input. Please join us tomorrow, July 23rd in the East/West conference room from 1130-1530 to provide your thoughts and ideas. A reminder though, just because we say it or think it, when negotiations start to happen, we have to take a back and forth approach. The Eboard and the negotiation team is going to put together the best proposal we are capable of, but when we’re at the table we must have the latitude to make moves during the negotiation process. Nothing that is brought up tomorrow is guaranteed, but simply ideas for us to craft our proposals.
Elections are right around the corner. If you have any interest in running for office or you have someone in mind who you think should run for office, please be prepared to come forward. I find it is always easy to sit back and criticize, but often taking a leap into the action and making a difference is much more difficult. I encourage anyone that wants to get more involved to throw their name in the hat. Remember, this is not my Local nor is this the Eboard’s Local…this is OUR Local.
As always, it is an honor to work on your behalf.
In Solidarity,
Derek Adams