Well, today is officially day one for me as your new FACREP. I know there are still a lot of questions and concerns about the events of the last few weeks and I’m going to attempt to set your mind at ease. By now you’ve all heard that our RVP stepped down for personal reasons. I’ve known Eddie for a long time and I know that he would not take such action without good reason. I wish him and his family the best of luck. This resulted in the NEB approaching Alex about taking over the RVP position. He and I discussed the impact of this decision at length and I told him I would support him in anything he chose to do. Now, here we are. For those of you who do not know me or my background, I will share just a brief bit about myself.
I have been an Air Traffic Controller for almost eighteen years, and have worked at numerous facilities including Air Force, several FCTs, Seattle Tower, Seattle Approach and I have finally settled in here at ZSE. My NATCA background includes Seattle Tower Vice President and FACREP, S46 local Reloaded Committee, ZSE A-Area Rep, Secretary, Vice President and now FACREP. I have made Labor Relations a major part of my time in the FAA because I truly believe in things being done the right way and holding management accountable to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the CBA. I look forward to this new chapter in my NATCA career and I appreciate all of you standing with me and your E-Board to make ZSE a better place to work.
Speaking of E-Board, I am happy to announce that we have selected Amanda Sizemore to serve as your new Vice President effective immediately. Although new to the E-Board this term, Amanda has shown considerable ability to act on your behalf as part of this E-Board. I look forward to working with Amanda and the rest of your E-Board to help resolve your issues and further our profession.
With that, the E-Board is soliciting interest to take on the role of Secretary. If there is anyone who is looking to get more involved in your Local, please let us know. I know Amanda is eager to get them up to speed once an E-Board appointment is made.
Finally, I want to say thank you to everyone for your continued support and interest in your Local. I know it’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks and we have a couple more ahead as we get settled into our new roles, but please know that your E-Board works tirelessly to keep your best interest in mind and make this a great place to work. I want to include my contact information for anyone who doesn’t have it.
Phone: (360) 510-5913
Email: derek.adams.natca@gmail.com
Please reach out to me if you need anything and I will do my best to assist you. I am honored to work for you all and I thank you for the opportunity.
In Solidarity,
Derek Adams