I don’t know about all of you, but I can’t believe it’s already December. Just a quick update on what’s going on around the facility.
I have been asked to solicit four volunteers (one from each area) to be tech refresh SMEs. The duties include becoming thoroughly familiar with the new 43” scopes that will be getting installed in the facility this winter/spring and then helping controllers in the lab while they are running scenarios and getting used to the new scopes. Frank Champaco will instruct the SMEs in late January. If you are interested in this, please let me or another Eboard member know ASAP so we can forward the names to the area schedulers prior to the posting of PP3.
Just a reminder that the all members meeting at Oddfellas is on Monday, December 9th at 1400. There will be a financial report from Devin Carlisto and we will be voting on amendments to the Local constitution. As always, I want to remind you that this is your Local and the Eboard is looking forward to having you there to discuss these amendments and help guide the direction of the Eboard going into the new term.
Finally, I hope to see many of you at the holiday party tomorrow. It will be a fantastic time with great food, drinks and people. Although I am taking this opportunity to dress up, don’t feel hesitant to come because of an assumed dress code. It’s more important to get together than to dress fancy. See you there.
Please be sure to reach out if there is anything the Eboard or I can do for you, your area or our Local. It is truly a pleasure to work for you and this great Union.
In solidarity,
Derek Adams