I hope everyone is having a good holiday season and enjoying some time with family and friends.
There is not a ton to update about the Local at the moment. I was out of the facility for most of the week and I will be coming and going most of next week. Once the holiday season settles down, it will be back to business as usual.
As many of you are aware, we will be receiving a pay raise in 2020. Just to clear up any questions, you will see that pay raise in the first full pay period of 2020, which is PP2. Due to our locality, we will see a 3.4% raise which is slightly higher than the national average. In addition, we will receive our contractual pay raise of 1.6% in the first full pay period of June, which is PP13.
The Eboard is in the midst of our new year changeover. It has been an honor to work with all of the outgoing reps. I hope they find other endeavors that satisfy their desire to do good work for NATCA. I also would like to welcome all the incoming reps. It takes a lot, especially for a new rep, to step up and take on these jobs. I look forward to working closely with them to make ZSE the best place to work that we can make it.
The new year is just a few days away. Please be sure if you are out and about, you stay safe. Remember, if you’ve had some drinks, even during surge pricing, an Uber or a Lyft is the cheapest way to get home. Enjoy the next few days of 2019. See you next year.
In Solidarity,
Derek Adams