Good Afternoon All! Just a couple things for you this week.
MOU Briefing Schedule
MOU briefings started today. Not a whole lot of changes so it’s mainly discussing bidATC. We will be briefing in the QC conference room on both the day and swing shifts Saturday and Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday will only be during the day shift. Please try and get to one so you can hear about the changes and sign up for bidATC if you haven’t already. We are still planning on bidding on the 28th to allow us to adjust for any changes the Article 46 will bring about. Devin has updated our local website with all the updated MOUs, just click on the links tab up top and scroll down. The bidATC tutorial is there too.
Didn’t know we had a website? The address is and the password is zse.
Speaking of bidding, if you will not be able to access the internet during any portion of bidding, please ask for a proxy sheet before you leave. When the bid is delayed, it costs the rest of your area leave slots and you will run the risk of getting skipped.
Holiday Party
When was the last time you got to dress up and go out for a night on the town? Have I got the perfect solution for you! The ZSE Holiday Party will be Saturday, December 7th at the Tacoma Marriott, catered by the Pacific Grill. They have blocked 10 rooms at a special rate for us in case anyone is interested in making a weekend of it. If you’re interested in booking one, let me know ASAP.
I’m so excited at the prospect of starting a new tradition here!
You may have read my email soliciting for volunteers to help plan the details, please let me know if you’d like to help, every little bit helps and I definitely need it!
I know it’s a little late, but the A area has a new CPC. Congrats Mike Ollerman!
Seriously….are we not doing sign off parties anymore?
Lastly, Derek will be out of town for the first part of next week but I’ll be around. Please let me know if you need anything.
Thank you all for allowing me to represent you, it is an honor.
Amy Sizemore