The latest on the horrible shutdown:
As of 1/3/18 the government has ruled that Article 2 sec 15 and Article 3 in the 2016 CBA are prohibited activities. What this means is that I cannot be on official time unless it is to rep a BUE in specific scenarios (drug testing, discipline, negotiations, meeting with management) and that our RVPs are automatically furloughed until the conclusion of this shutdown. Although I will be on a regular M-F rotation, I will not let this interrupt my duties as the facility rep. I might take a little longer to get back to you all during the day, but, I should have no problem communicating after 3 pm daily.
The FAA Academy officially closed it’s doors this week with hopes of re-opening on 1/22/18. We are well aware of how bad a development this is.
The Senate has adjourned until Tuesday 1/8/18, which means that we will likely suffer this shutdown until at least then.
NATCA has organized a Lobby Week on the Hill for next week where over 80 activists will be in attendance to visit EVERY office on the Hill and educate/remind them of the devastating effects this shutdown is having.
That said, the NATCA email campaign (HERE) is still underway. If you haven’t filled this out, please do so. NATCA has also started lighting up the switch boards and you can too if you call this 844-336-1123. You will be patched through to your representative’s office where you can speak your concern. Please reach out and tell them to end this shutdown. Keep in mind, if you have a partisan message you want to deliver, try to do that as an individual and not frame it as a NATCA stance.
Finally, I was asked to do an interview this week to discuss the shutdown (As you can tell, this shutdown is killing me). If you get any requests from the media, please let me know ASAP so NATCA National can either prep you for the interview or put a willing participant in place.