TIme is running out to convince the Senate to pass a bill to open the Government and end the shutdown. The vote should take place around 1430 est. What you can do is use any social media you have available and post a message calling an end to the shutdown. Below is an example:
Here is the script:
“Each day the shutdown continues, aviation safety is further compromised. The Senator MUST vote YES on opening up the government! #Endtheshutdown #NATCA”
Here is the list for the targeted Senators that have sent signals that they may break from a party-line vote and bring the shutdown to an end:
One of the most efficient ways to do this is to go through Instagram. You can enable sharing with Facebook and Twitter and have a single entry post to all 3 social media outlets. Senator Cory Gardner has already said he plans to vote for both proposals to open the government. The pressure works. We need to keep it up.
Also, feel free to come to the NATCA office and make calls to the Senate offices. It has been vetted and legal to do on personal devices in the NATCA Office. Keep up the fight.
Lastly, we will have a Regional Telecon to update on the OPM and Legislative issues @ 0930 today. Everyone is invited and here is the call-in info: