
The Rally was a (freezing, soggy) success. Thank you to all that attended and toughed it out. On top of numerous media outlets covering the Rally, we also had congressional staffers from the offices of Congresswoman Schrier and Congressman Smith attend with us. I spoke to both and was able to ask them what they are hearing from their districts. They estimate that 1 out of every 2 or 3 calls are for the shutdown to continue. Read that again. And now consider that this is likely happening with our Senate offices. We are all sick of what is happening and we all have a role that we can play in keeping the pressure on everyone on the Hill.

I’m sick of being stripped of my dignity everyday this shutdown goes on. We all should be. We worked too hard and sacrificed too much to be able to attain this job. We shouldn’t be in a position that we have to entertain second jobs or loans or selling personal property. We shouldn’t have to be on the look out for someone else’s charity or worry how long we try to hold on before moving on to a different employer. Everything we do is amazing and damn near perfect while over seeing the most robust, safe and efficient airspace system the world has ever seen. So be loud. Please. Don’t suppose that those that call on our behalf will get the job done. We must all participate to make it as loud as possible so that they can HEAR US. Do this for yourselves, your peers, your families.

NATCA National is asking that EVERYONE be as loud as possible to the Senate over the next 2 days. Please take a moment and make the call to their offices (844.336.1123). Tag Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, Speaker Pelosi, Speaker McConnell, and the White house in whatever social media that you are able to and demand they open the government up and end this madness. We need to be LOUD.

Thank you for all of your time, hard work, and dedication. It’s one of the few dependable things that I see lately.
